Footage of T034/Grace was 

taken under NMFS permit 15569.

Sealife Productions is a family company that films and produces wildlife documentaries. The company was started in the 1990s by Florian Graner. After earning a B.S. in Marine Biology, Florian extended his hobby of underwater photography into the field of cinematography. Florian now holds a Ph.D. in Marine Biology with specialization in marine mammals. He brings extensive subject knowledge to his films. 

Florian has worked as camerperson on projects including the Monterey Bay episode of the Netflix series Our Great National Parks narrated by Barack Obama, the last two seasons of Animal Planet's River Monsters with Jeremy Wade, CBC's Wild Canadian Year, and BBC's Pacific Abyss, Amazon Abyss, and The Blue Planet. He has filmed for Disney, Amazon Prime, Wild Space Productions, Plimsoll Productions, Parthenon Entertainment, and Icon Films. Florian produces films for the German documenatry company Doclights for NDR Naturfilm including National Geographic's America's National Parks: Olympic.

Florian has current rebreather certification and has been diving with rebreathers since 1995. As of July 2024, he has logged over 3,450 dives in diverse environments around the world. Florian grew up diving in Germany and became a certified research diver with the Biological Institute Helgoland.

Gina Truesdell is Florian's partner in business and life. Gina holds a Ph.D. in MCD biology, and M.S. and B.S. degrees in biology and education. She is wildly enthusiastic about science and nature and loves capturing it all on video. For her first career, Gina was a research scientist specializing in the nature of arms races between pathogens and their hosts. She now loves the adventure of ocean cinematography and is a certified scuba diver and drone pilot. Gina's roles include production manager, camera, sound, writer, and DIT.

Sealife Productions promotes conservation around the waters of the Salish Sea. The company has filmed and produced for Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, Puget Sound Restoration Fund, NOAA, and the Northwest Straits Commission in collaboration with the North Pacific Coast, Island County, and Snohomish County Marine Resources Committees. 

Sealife Productions maintains extensive video and image stock libraries filmed in 4-8K resolution on RED cameras. Inquire about footage sales for your project. 

No pro bono footage requests please.

Land Acknowledgement

Sealife Productions is on Indigenous land. We are on traditional territory of Coast Salish people, specifically Snohomish people. We honor gʷisgʷistalb, the land, ʔaʔacəp, the sea, and the people—past, present and future. 

August 2024
